Monday, 1/28 | Student Services Open House: Rwanda Bean & Bagels
Details: Join your Student Services crew for fresh bagels and cream cheese from The Works Cafe and coffee from a local coffee shop, Rwanda Bean, which is co-founded by 2L Nick Mazuroski. The coffee beans are responsibly sourced through a farmer’s co-op approach and a “50% for farmers” mission. Vegan cream cheese and gluten-free bread are available too. PLEASE BRING YOUR OWN MUG as we will not supply disposable cups in an effort to reduce single-use paper/plastic waste.
When: 10-11AM
Where: Rm. 102 (Student Services Rm.)
Audience: Students, Staff, Faculty Contact: Iris Michaud, Student Services
Monday, 1/28 | Mindful Mondays Return!
Details: Mindful Mondays is an opportunity for Maine law students, faculty, and staff to learn and practice mindfulness meditation in an informal drop-in group. We meet every Monday from 12:15-1:00 pm on the Second Floor of the Library Annex. No experience or commitment is required. All are welcome! Many lawyers, judges, and law students engage in mindfulness meditation practice, which can improve focus and learning and help to manage stress and anxiety, among other benefits. Please join us if you are curious about learning mindfulness meditation or an experienced meditator who’d like a chance to practice with others here on campus. Each week there will be brief instruction in basic mindfulness meditation, a guided meditation led by an experienced practitioner, and the opportunity for Q&A. We provide written resources and information for developing your own practice.
When: Every Monday between January 28 and April 29 (except for school holidays & spring recess); 12:15pm – 1:00pm
Where: 2nd Floor Library Annex
Contact: Prof. Deirdre Smith and Assoc. Dean Carrie Wilshusen
Tuesday, 1/29 | 3rd Annual Wellness Forum
Details: A candid peer-led panel discussion on strategies for meeting the challenges of law school. Lunch & Prizes!
When: Lunch hour
Where: Moot Courtroom
Audience: Maine Law Community
Contact: Wellness Committee (Sherry Niang or Jim Burke)
Wednesday, 1/30 | Interviewing: What to do (and what not to do) during an interview!
Details: Bernstein Shur’s CEO and Chairman, Pat Scully, and Director of Attorney Recruiting, Joan Fortin, will present tips and recommendations on successful interviewing. Between them they’ve interviewed thousands of law students and graduates over the years, and they’ve seen it all. Come listen to their expertise and have your questions answered!
When: Lunch hour
Where: Middle Classroom
Contact: Jen Hebert
WLA Fundraiser | Super Bowl Squares
Details: $10 each, a portion of the profits will be split with the winners at halftime and the end of the game (Previous winners took home $75). Buy 3+ squares and get entered into our bonus category for an additional chance to win!
When/Where: Squares are on sale in the lobby 1/30-2/1, but we can also accept purchases via e-mail.
Contact: Please e-mail to purchase a square. Friends and family members are invited to participate too. All proceeds go to the WLA Scholarship fund! Unfamiliar with Super Bowl Squares or have questions? Please contact
Friday, 2/1 | NLS Happy Hour, held by the MSBA New Lawyers’ Section
Details: This Friday, the New Lawyers’ Section is hosting a happy hour event, at which current attorneys and law students may gather for drinks, food and networking. The first 150 people to arrive will receive two FREE drink tickets and there will be FREE hors d’oeuvres for all!
When: Friday, February 1st at 5:30 p.m.
Where: Maine Craft Distilling (123 Washington Ave, Portland)
Contact:To RSVP or for any further questions, please email your NLS Representative, Johanna Colpritt (